Source code for pycropml.transpiler.errors

from __future__ import absolute_import
from pycropml.transpiler.helpers import serialize_type
[docs]class PseudoError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, suggestions=None, right=None, wrong=None): super(PseudoError, self).__init__(message) self.suggestions = suggestions self.right = right self.wrong = wrong
[docs]class PseudoCythonNotTranslatableError(PseudoError): pass
[docs]class PseudoCythonTypeCheckError(PseudoError): pass
[docs]def cant_infer_error(name, line): return PseudoCythonTypeCheckError("pseudo-cython can't infer the types for %s:\n%s\n" % (name, line), suggestions='you need to either:\n' + ' ensure %s is reachable from a call in your top scope\n' % name + ' e.g. a(..) in top scope, b(..) in a body, %s() in b body\n' % name + ' or provide type hints (see' )
[docs]def beautiful_error(exception): def f(function): def decorated(data, location=None, code=None, wrong_type=None, **options): return exception('%s%s%s:\n%s\n%s^' % ( ('wrong type %s\n' % serialize_type(wrong_type) if wrong_type else ''), data, (' on line %d column %d' % location) if location else '', code or '', (tab_aware(location[1], code) if location else '')), **options) return decorated return f
[docs]@beautiful_error(PseudoCythonTypeCheckError) def type_check_error(data, location=None, code=None, wrong_type=None, **options): pass
[docs]@beautiful_error(PseudoCythonNotTranslatableError) def translation_error(data, location=None, code=None, wrong_type=None, **options): pass
[docs]def tab_aware(location, code): ''' if tabs in beginning of code, add tabs for them, otherwise spaces ''' return ''.join(' ' if c != '\t' else '\t' for c in code[:location])