Source code for pycropml.formater_f90

[docs]def formater(code): z= code.strip().split("\n") code="" for j in z: if j.strip().startswith("!"): code+=j +"\n" else: code+=formaterNext(j) return code
[docs]def formaterNext(line): nbmax=70 tab=" " code="" s=0 ff = len(line)-len(line.lstrip()) line = line.strip() h="" if len(line)<=nbmax or line[-1]=="&": code+=tab*ff+line while len(line)>nbmax and line[-1]!="&" : nb=nbmax z = ff+8 if s>0 else ff while (line[nb-1]!=" ") and nb>1: nb = nb-1 if nb>1: h+=tab*z+line[0:nb]+" &\n" line=(line[nb:]).strip() if len(line)<=nbmax: h+=tab*(ff+8)+line break else: h += tab*z+line break s=s+1 code+=h+"\n" return code